Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Survivors by Jane Harper

     Thank you to NetGalley for my free audio eARC! All opinions are my own.

Synopsis from Goodreads: 

Coming home dredges up deeply buried secrets...

Kieran Elliott's life changed forever on the day a reckless mistake led to devastating consequences.

The guilt that still haunts him resurfaces during a visit with his young family to the small coastal community he once called home.

Kieran's parents are struggling in a town where fortunes are forged by the sea. Between them all is his absent brother, Finn.

When a body is discovered on the beach, long-held secrets threaten to emerge. A sunken wreck, a missing girl, and questions that have never washed away...

Genre? Mystery

Backlist? No. This was published today! (February 2, 2021)

New to me Author? Yes

What did I think? I'm going to be completely honest with you, I was not super invested in this book. I blame that partly on the fact that I listened to the audio, so I will possibly go back at some point to read the actual book in print. I normally don't have issues with audiobooks so I can't say if that was my whole issue or not. I do know that the narrator did not use a lot of expression, which made it easier to space out. 

I did enjoy hearing about Kieran and his girlfriend and baby. The relationships between the people in this novel were great. But the mystery of it all fell a little flat for me. I think the idea of looking back on the past and trying to figure out what happened is a great premise, but I just couldn't get into it. 

Also, the ending was, in a way, both beautiful and yet also cliche. Like I said, I'll give it another chance in case my issue was the audio only. However, it's also definitely a slow burn type of novel, which may have also been my issue.

2.75 out of 5 stars.

This book is also available through Book of the Month! Click Here to check out your membership options. (I am not endorsed by BOTM, I just really enjoy my own subscription.)

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